Terinspirasi dari Papan Partikel ikonik yang didirikan oleh Hubbard yang visioner pada tahun 1887, membawa Anda ke dalam dunia penuh misteri dan kecanggihan.
Hubbard adalah skin edisi terbatas dan dibuat di Italia.
Tidak tersedia
Hubbard Skin dibuat di Italia dan dibuat di Indonesia.
ketebalan dengan fitur tahan air dan tidak meninggalkan residu.
Kami sangat yakin dengan produk kami sehingga kami menawarkan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari jika Anda tidak puas dengan produk atau layanan kami.
Mewujudkan esensi dari keanggunan sejarah yang tak lekang oleh waktu. Setiap desain dibuat dengan cermat untuk menangkap pola dan tekstur yang rumit dari Particle Board asli, sebuah bukti kebijaksanaan abadi dari ciptaan Hubbard.
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These reviews are verified purchase reviews, evaluated by an unbiased third party (CusRev) and cannot be altered or edited. You can see from the third party on CusRev.
5 bintang | 95 | 95% |
4 bintang | 5 | 5% |
3 bintang | 0 | 0% |
2 bintang | 0% | |
1 bintang | 0 | 0% |
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We are very confident about how easy the skin installation is for Hubbard.
Don’t trust our word, see the reviews on the previous tab 👈🏻
Unlike screen protectors or other skins that can only be applied once, our skin can be removed and applied multiple times if it doesn’t fit.
If your skin is damaged on installation within 2 days after the items arrived, we will send you a new one.
See more on the warranty page.
Exacoat provides the highest level of precision skins with 360° innovation, using the best material in the world authentic 3M material imported directly from USA, Japan, Italy, and France.
With installation warranty, first in the world.
Model 360° protects all parts of the body, including the side bezels.
(Not including the power button, volume button, and sim tray.)
Model Cut protects only the backside of the device. Case-friendly.
All skins from Exacoat are using an authentic 3M vinyl material that leaves no adhesive residue and made to protect your device from scratches, mold and dirt.
Installation tutorial can be seen on How to apply page.
Exacoat accents is an additional skin to get 2-tone colors.
The accents will be installed on the top of the body skins.
Including 2pcs of Exacoat™ logo.
This picture is the example of Lemon Yellow skin installed with Accents – Matte Black
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Kualitas mantap, presisi, barang original
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Suggestions / Input Faster expedition.
The product that never fail us.
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Skinya amazing