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Redeem your credits upon checkout

Terms & Conditions

You can earn and redeem Exacoat Rewards for purchases on the Exacoat webstore (https://exacoat.com) by signing up.

All registered users will be eligible in the Exacoat Cashback Program.

The standard rate is currently 5% back on all eligible purchases. This rate can be boosted during promotions for a limited time, after which it will return to the standard rate. 

Exacoat Rewards will be granted to your Exacoat Wallet the order you placed is completed. Any refund or cancelled order will forfeit any rewards granted.

You can check your current Cashback balance in your account by clicking the wallet section. There, you will find additional information of your wallet balance statement.

No. Any number of rewards that has been granted to your Exacoat Wallet will not expire.

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