0 Trees

Campaign ended with 3502 trees planted
Type of Trees
Mangrove Rhizophora
Average CO2 emissions absorbed
-491.2 kg
Average tree height
63 cm
Pesisir Tambakrejo, Kota Semarang

How we do it?

We found our perfect tree planting partner ‘LindungiHutan’. It is an Indonesian foundation founded in 2016 that helps communities to plant trees in all area of Indonesia.

In terms of the donation, we save up a particular amount of money collected and donate that batch of money directly to the LindungiHutan. So, in practice, when you buy a skin, it could be that we will pay for it the next day, or it could be that we will pay for the tree a couple months later.

In any case, you can be a 100% sure that your tree will be planted.